No-Scalpel Vasectomy
Vasectomy is a safe and effective method of permanent contraception in men. During a vasectomy, the vas deferens or sperm duct is interrupted prohibiting the passage of sperm during an ejaculation.
Each year 500,000 men choose vasectomy as a mode of contraception.
In 1974, Shunqiang Li developed the no-scalpel vasectomy (NSV) or non scalpel vasectomy. No-Scalpel vasectomy was introduced in the United States in the 1980’s. It has since become the procedure of choice for male permanent contraception. The benefits of NSV are overall fewer complications, less bleeding and pain and no need for sutures. The positive feedback which we have received from our patients confirms our belief that this is the ideal procedure for the couple content with the size of their family and seeking permanent contraception.
The patient has the convenience and privacy of having the procedure performed in the office. This procedure is customarily performed using local anesthesia. Intravenous sedation with anesthesia monitoring is available at the request of the patient or if the patient has a history of previous surgery at the site and can be performed in-office or at an outpatient facility.
Simply, the procedure is performed by injecting local anesthesia at the center of the scrotal skin and making a puncture opening with a special instrument. Additional local anesthetic is injected along each vas tube. Another instrument then localizes and retrieves one tube at a time and exposes the vas. Once dissection of the vas from its sheath is performed, clips are secured on each side of the tube and the tube is divided. The scrotal skin opening is cauterized and sealed. Anti-bacterial ointment, gauze and scrotal support are applied.
Please call our office and our staff will be more that happy to answer any questions you might have concerning this procedure.
Urologists note vasectomy uptick may be fueled by troubled economy.
In the Patient Money column, published on the front page of the Metro section in the New York Times (4/11/09), Lesley Alderman wrote, “Urologists and clinics have noticed an uptick in recent months in the number of men requesting vasectomies” as the economy continues its “free fall”.
Dr. Frank sees patients at his West Orange office from nearby New Jersey towns, serving Livingson, Short Hills, Millburn, Maplewood, Montclair, Essex Fells, South Orange, Verona, Caldwell, and West Caldwell.