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Medical Publications

• Frank, R.G.: Retroperitoneal Mass and Hydronephrosis. Urology 55:141, 2000.

• Frank, R.G., Lowry, P. and Ongcapin, E.H.: Venous cavernous hemangioma of the testis. Urology 52:709, 1998.

• Frank, R.G.: Rupture of a large calyceal diverticulum. Urology 49:265, 1997.

• Frank, R.G., Peyser, D. and Herasme, V.: Global renal infarction secondary to a dissecting thoracic aneurysm. Urology 48:930, 1996.

• Frank, R.G., Lefkon, B.W., Sanders, L. and Gerard, P.S.: Thirty-nine year old woman with abdominal pain on right side. Clinical Uroradiologic Conference, Urology 41:266, 1993.

• Frank, R.G.: Other urologic causes of hypertension. Letter to the Editor, Contemporary Urology 5:3:9, 1993.

• Preminger, B., Gerard, P.S., Lutwick, L., Frank, R., Minkowitz, S. and Plotkin, N.: Histoplasmosis of penis. J. Urol 149:848, 1993.

• Frank, R.G., Lefkon, B.W., Sanders, L., Rubin, C. and Gerard, P.S.: Twenty-one year-old Woman with flank pain. Clinical Uroradiologic Conference, Urology, 41:85, 1993.

• Asase, D., Frank, R.G., Gerard, P.S., Lindsay, K. and Wise, G.J.: Transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis in an incompletely duplicated collecting system. N.Y. State Journal of Medicine, 93:59, 1993.

• Frank, R.G., Gerard, P.S. and Feldhamer, L.: Serial sonographic evaluation of “buckshot colic” following a penetrating gunshot wound. Urol Radiol 4:172, 1992.

• Katz, A., Frank, R.G., Gerard, P.S., Nehra, A. Lindsay, K. and Wise, G.J.: Percutaneous management of renal abscesses in children. Infections in Urology 4:173,1991

• Frank, R.G., Friedman, S.C., Krieger, A. Gerard, P.S., Lindsay, K. and Wise, G.J.: Antenatal sonographic evidence of a paratesticular mass representing healed meconium peritonitis. JDMS 7:348, 1991.

• Frank, R.G., Gerard, P.S. and Wise, G.J.: Sequential bilateral germ cell tumors of the testis. Sonographic Evaluation. JDMS 7:281, 1991.

• Frank, R.G., Friedman, S., Wise, G.J. and Gerard, P.S.: Scrotal wall edema presenting as The initial manifestation of nephrotic syndrome. N.Y. State Journal of Medicine 91:462, 1991.

• Golbey, S., Gerard, P.S. and Frank, R.G.: Metastatic hypernephroma masquerading as acute Cholecystitis. Clinical Imaging 15:293, 1991.

• Gerard, P.S., Zafranloo, S., and Frank, R.G.: The surgical glove and endorectal sonography. AJR 156:865, 1991.

• Gerard, P.S., Frank, R.G., Wilck, E., Bergman, A., Preminger, B.I. and Lefkowitz, Z.: Imaging of a retroperitoneal rhabdomyosarcoma mimicking hypernephroma. Clinical Imaging 15:276, 1991.

• Frank, R.G., Sridhar, s., Gerard, P.S., Khurana, B.K., Katlowitz, N., Lindsay, K. and Wise, G.J.: Sonographic evaluation of vesical endometriosis in a pregnant female. JDMS 7:160, 1991.

• Frank, R.G., Gerard, P.S., Anselmo, M.T., Preminger, B.I. and Wise, G.J.: D2 transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder in a 36-year-old female. AJR 156:1325, 1991.

• Frank, R.G., Gerard, P.S., Anselmo, M.T., Preminger, B.I. Bennett, L., and Wise, G.J.: Primary carcinoid tumor of the testis. Urol Radiol 12:203, 1991.

• Gerard, P.S., Frank, R.G., Mercanti, A.M. and Chapnick, E.: The Radiologist, the dictating machine and the transmission of rhinovirus. AJR 155:1134, 1990.

• Frank, R.G., Gerard, P.S., Barbera, J.T., Lindsay, K. and Wise, G.J.: Torsion of an intraabdominal testis tumor presenting as an acute abdomen. Urol Radiol 12:50, 1990.

• Frank, R.G., Gerard, P.S. and Wise, G.J.: Human Penile ossification: a case report and review of the literature. Urol Radiol 11:179, 1989.